Schedules > Rock 'n' Bowl
Rock 'n' Bowl
To be updated when the season begins.
You will note a change in the format. There are two position columns. The first is based on your total score for all weeks. The second is adjusted and removes your lowest weekly score. For many people this lowest score is a 0 when they did not play.
To be updated when the season begins.
You will note a change in the format. There are two position columns. The first is based on your total score for all weeks. The second is adjusted and removes your lowest weekly score. For many people this lowest score is a 0 when they did not play.
Join the Fun in the Rock ‘n’ Bowl League!
Everyone is welcome to join this fun league that plays on Wednesday evenings in May and June.
If you aren’t a member of our club and would like to try out lawn bowling this a great way to start. The cost for non-members is $80. LLBC members are welcome to join for only $10 for the prize and snack funds.
The league is a tag draw; thus, you can join as an individual, couple or with friends or family. Each week you will get a chance to play with new people, and don’t have to worry if you miss a week.
Some, but not all, of the bowlers are curlers who are transferring their skills from the ice to the grass – reading line, choosing best turn, throwing the called weight, reading the sheet, and, of course, strategy. And like curling, there is an opportunity for refreshments after the game, win, lose, or draw.
Rock ‘n’ Bowl begins with a session of coaching and practice followed by six weeks of league play. You don’t need any equipment – just comfortable clothing, a pair of flat soled shoes and a sense of fun!
Game Format: We play a 12-end game of triples. Where necessary, there may be two or four bowlers on a team to accommodate the number of players available.
League Scoring: Bowlers accumulate points for the duration of the league to determine the final standings. All players on a team receive the same points – maximum 11 points per week.
Prizes: Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 15 place finishers.
Information: for more information contact us at [email protected]
Join the fun in the Rock ‘n’ Bowl League!
Everyone is welcome to join this fun league that plays on Wednesday evenings in May and June.
If you aren’t a member of our club and would like to try out lawn bowling this a great way to start. The cost for non-members is $80. LLBC members are welcome to join for only $10 for the prize and snack funds.
The league is a tag draw; thus, you can join as an individual, couple or with friends or family. Each week you will get a chance to play with new people, and don’t have to worry if you miss a week.
Some, but not all, of the bowlers are curlers who are transferring their skills from the ice to the grass – reading line, choosing best turn, throwing the called weight, reading the sheet, and, of course, strategy. And like curling, there is an opportunity for refreshments after the game, win, lose, or draw.
Rock ‘n’ Bowl begins with a session of coaching and practice followed by six weeks of league play. You don’t need any equipment – just comfortable clothing, a pair of flat soled shoes and a sense of fun!
Game Format: We play a 12-end game of triples. Where necessary, there may be two or four bowlers on a team to accommodate the number of players available.
League Scoring: Bowlers accumulate points for the duration of the league to determine the final standings. All players on a team receive the same points – maximum 11 points per week.
- 2 points for playing (yes, participation points!)
- 3 points for winning the first half of the game
- 3 points for winning the second half of the game
- 3 points for the overall winner
Prizes: Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 15 place finishers.
Information: for more information contact us at [email protected]
Join the fun in the Rock ‘n’ Bowl League!